Freely available - How does Open Access benefit you as a researcher?

Freely available - How does Open Access benefit you as a researcher?04.02.2021 10:00 - 13:00 (Thu)onlineStumptner, Annette

Participant Profile

Doctoral and postodcoral researchers of all disciplines.


Open Access - the free access to academic publications - changes publication cultures across disciplines. What are the consequences for early stage researchers and why is Open Access important for their own profile as well as the research community as a whole?


The seminar will provide a first overview touching on basic aspects of Opan Access:
  • what are the pros and cons?
  • which degree of openness is possible? What types of licences are available?
  • how and where can I make my research freely accessible? Does it profit the visibility of my work?
  • what are the possibilities for financial support at Freie Universität Berlin?
  • which Open Access services are available at Freie Universität Berlin?
  • which tools and resources can I use as an author or reader?


  • input
  • group work
  • discussion
  • excercises
Course Capacity: 
Course Language: 
Work Units: 
Budget Points: 
PDF template: 
PDP (en)
Anette Stumptner, Dr. Agnieszka Wenninger