Career Development: The Job Search: What's Out There?

Career Development: The Job Search: What's Out There? 04.07.2024 09:00 - 11:30 (Thu)onlineWichert, Amanda

Before booking a workshop, please make sure that you can attend for the entire duration and save the dates. When participants do not show up or cancel on a very short notice, other interested parties are denied a chance to participate.


For doctoral researchers and postdocs of all disciplines.


Objectives and Content

  • How is the job market structured? How can I find out the types of jobs that people with my skill set or educational background hold both in Germany and in the international job market?
  • Where do employers post jobs? What role does networking play? How can I best refine my search for open positions in my field?
  • How do I find the “hidden positions” and when should I send an unsolicited application? What networking strategies exist to help me better connect with potential employers?
  • How should I interpret job postings? What do employers really mean – both in Germany and in the international market - and what are key words to watch for? How can I tell which requirements I really need to have?


Further Information

For workshops held online, participation is allowed under the following conditions: a working camera that is turned on and a microphone to allow active participation in discussions and group work. Headphones must also be used to protect other participants from office eavesdroppers. In this context, we would also like to refer to the rules for digital courses at Freie Universität Berlin (Code of Conduct).


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DRS (en)
Amanda Wichert