(Science) Communication as a Door-Opener to Research Funding

(Science) Communication as a Door-Opener to Research Funding12.11.2024 09:00 - 17:00 (Tue)onlineDr. Klinkert, Anette

Before booking a workshop, please make sure that you can attend for the entire duration.



For doctoral researchers of all disciplines.



Open innovation and impact-oriented research practices seek to improve the transparency, trustworthiness, reusability, and accessibility of scientific findings for the research community and society as a whole. The interdisciplinary and interactive training invites early career researchers to gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the rising demands of Science Communication and “Open Innovation” in funding scenarios, including stakeholder engagement strategies and “Impact”-oriented proposal design.
The dialogue-oriented training will empower participants via a mix of input, reflections and practical sessions. A major goal of the training will be to enable participants to meet the requirements of impact-oriented, open innovation processes in national and international funding programmes.



  • Science Communication and Public Engagement as tools to meet the new requirements for proposal design
  • Introduction to “Challenge- and Impact-Driven” research and proposal designs
  • Introduction to “Open Innovation”: Term, meaning, relevance in research assessments
  • Measures to maximize impact: Communication, dissemination and exploitation strategies in research proposals
  • Overview of trends in national and European funding scenarios, especially Horizon Europe, BMBF, DFG


Further Information

If there are free spots, we also allow postdocs to participate.


For workshops held online, participation is allowed under the following conditions: a working camera that is turned on and a microphone to allow active participation in discussions and group work. Headphones must also be used to protect other participants from office eavesdroppers. In this context, we would also like to refer to the rules for digital courses at Freie Universität Berlin (Code of Conduct).


Course Format: 
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PDF template: 
BUA (en)
Dr. Annette Klinkert