Navigating Challenges: Navigating the Academic Job Market in Germany for International Students

Navigating Challenges: Navigating the Academic Job Market in Germany for International Students 27.06.2024 13:00 - 15:30 (Thu)online Wichert, Amanda

Before booking a workshop, please make sure that you can attend for the entire duration.



For doctoral researchers and postdocs of all disciplines.


Objectives and Content

In this workshop, we’ll talk about the job market for academics in Germany (and go over the differences between the German and international job markets).

•    What makes the German job market unique? How does it differ from the job market outside
     of Germany?
•    What differences are there in typical career paths for doctoral researchers in
     Germany and abroad?
•    How do rules and regulations on labor in Germany affect the job market and the
     hiring process? How might this differ from the international job market?


Further Information

For workshops held online, participation is allowed under the following conditions: a working camera that is turned on and a microphone to allow active participation in discussions and group work. Headphones must also be used to protect other participants from office eavesdroppers. In this context, we would also like to refer to the rules for digital courses at Freie Universität Berlin (Code of Conduct).


Course Format: 
Course Capacity: 
Course Language: 
Work Units: 
Budget Points: 
Amanda Wichert