DRS Science Salon
Do you have a conference coming up where you will present?
Are you interested in research projects of your peers?
Do you have an interview with a journalist planned?
Are you looking for a research partner?
Do you want to gain more self-confidence in presenting?
Would you like an opportunity to meet peers and network?
This Science Salon is about mastering a convincing performance in scientific presentations. To do this, it's necessary to stay on top of your research and observe how others present theirs. Based on feedback, participants learn what captures the interest of their audience and holds their attention. As a prelude, theoretical basics are taught by the trainer Ric Oquita. In the four subsequent sessions, small exercises are offered and three presentations of 10 minutes each are given per session.
The aim is to confidently present one's own research project at events such as conferences and use acquired sovereignty in presenting their own research project when dealing with journalists.
It is also about learning about your peer´s research and networking. Maybe you will have an idea for a joint research project while listening to the presentations. Please also register if you only want to be part of the audience and even if you will not be able to attend every time. We would like to know how many snacks and beverages we should order.
As this is the first time we are offering the Science Salon, we welcome your collaboration and participation to customize it to your needs and desires. Participation is not mandatory on all days.