DRS workshop booking & application platform


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Dahlem Research School (DRS) is the central unit for early career researchers at Freie Universität Berlin. We coordinate a wide range of doctoral degree programs, provide advice on all aspects of pursuing a doctorate and offer an inspiring qualification program.To apply for a research position in one of the DRS doctoral programs or to participate in one of our competitions register here. Simply pick the call you want to apply for from the drop down menu under the heading "I want to". Please contact support@drs.fu-berlin.de with any questions.



DRS Workshops

To book workshops please register here. Make sure to use an institutional email address of one of the Berlin University Alliance partners or Universität Potsdam. After registration, it might take up to a day until you will receive an email asking you to confirm that you are a doctoral researcher and a member of one of the participating institutions. Once you have confirmed, your account will be activated. Check out the workshop program and start booking. With any questions please contact skills@drs.fu-berlin.de .


→ Book workshops on the DRS Booking Platform to successfully master your doctorate.

DRS Newsletter: to receive the latest news, tips, calls and announcements.

LinkedInMastodon: to stay informed and connected.

→ Go to Dahlem Research School website.